Some Demo Jam thoughts The Demo Jam is a very powerful event at SAP TechEd to show latest innovations by customers, partners and SAP. No sales pitch allowed. No powerpoints or prezis. Just your demo and a timer set at 6 minutes. I even remember some teams doing live coding on stage. The last few years a lot is said on the Demo Jam event. It has become a marketing event for SAP, the rules of the game have been changed, it's only SAP on stage, ... Maybe you can recall the lively twitter stream during and after last year's Demo Jam. Thorsten Franz already wrote a great blog on the Genuine Demo Jam Awesomeness and he refers to another great blog by Michael Koch , What Is Wrong With SAP TechEd Demo Jam 2009 . Please allow me to share some thoughts on the Demo Jam as well. What makes Demo Jam so great? Live shows on stage by fellow SAP NetWeaver enthusiasts , some very serious and others hilarious Customers, Partners and SAP employees willing to offer spare (own) time t