Goodbye - Hello

A big step in my life, a switch from company, on April 1st I left Capgemini after 12 years and joined TopForce. On the last knowledge meeting on Adobe forms, hosted by Jan-Willem and Tiny, I brought a customized cake:
Some highlights of the past events 'printed' on a cake. You can do the same, with your own picture of course, at the site of the Hema.

So what is it? Is it a goodbye, is it a hello? Or as some former colleagues wrote to me: there is no such thing as saying goodbye. We will meet again!


Anonymous said…

All the best in your new job. Pitty that you left Capgemini but I know that you followed a thorough process before you took your decision. Although you never mentioned that as a key reason, I think that changing your professional environment after 12 years (Capgemini was your first employer, not?) is always a good thing to do. Take care out there and let stay in touch.

Rik L.

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