Next generation expectations Imagine that you are part of the current studying generation. With all the hard effort you are eager to start your professional life soon. You are common to use Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Evernote and other fancy 'apps' to fulfill your needs. Apps with a great user experience - all designed with you as a consumer of the app as a starting point. And then … you start your first day at the office - you get a welcome, a cup of coffee and your own desk with a desktop running SAP with its famous blue screens … Guess you can see the contrast of IT solutions (apps) that you got used to while in college and the IT solution (SAP) that your company is using. Design Thinking Why this huge contrast? Well we all know that on the topic of user experience there is enough to improve in the SAP world. That's why SAP is spreading the word around Design Thinking these days. And that is a good thing! Balance Business viability, Human desirability and T