SAP NetWeaver plans – No slides just songs

When we (service line managers CIBER) got together to share our plans for 2012, I decided to not do a powerpoint or prezi again. Back to a small cue card and only supported by 6 songs. Doing things differently in order to make sure that the SAP NetWeaver message could not be forgotten by my colleagues.

In my presentation I asked what songs I was playing and what would be the link to my story. In this blog I will help you with that ;-) Plans for CIBER's SAP NetWeaver service line on four topics: People, Projects, Innovation and Promotion.

First song was Doe Maar – 'Is dit alles / Is this everything', a song by a famous Dutch band from the 80’s.

The song states that you have everything that you want but that there still is this feeling that there must me more …
As I stated in a previous blog, I am very proud on our 2011 achievements.  It was a good year, but I still think that there is more to achieve with our team.

On the People site, we are growing towards 30 colleagues, we need to make sure that we still are the clubhouse for SAP NetWeaver enthusiasts. Besides die hard knowledge meetings we also plan to visit the Efteling and do some teambuilding sessions.
Training in a knowledge-intensive area as SAP NetWeaver is, is very important. So we plan to attend SAP TechEd, do SAP training, consultancy skills and certification.

Next song is from Bob Dylan - 'The times they are a-changin'

Times are changing, the economy is not yet restored, investments are postponed, hourly rates decline, work is brought to off shore development centers.
It is time to do things differently!

Now what do the bands from the two next songs have in common?

Beatles – 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'

Rolling Stones – 'Paint it black'

Both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones have changed pop music. They were the game changers, brought innovation.

And innovation is crucial. A lot is happening in our world, mobility with Sybase, NEO as on demand platform, Gateway, BPM, … We have to keep up and think of use cases to support our customers. With our internal business development program we encourage colleagues to work on innovations with a business case in the back of their minds. Business development can be within a service line, but in collaboration with other service lines the true power of our experts gets unleashed. Combine that with our sales guys and we are able to offer our customers what they need.

We're almost there. Let's start Propaganda with 'p.Machinery'

It’s one thing to work on great innovations, but we have to tell about them as well. We have to prevent that our ideas and innovations are CIBER’s best kept secrets. Time to do promotion and marketing, some propaganda. We spread the word internally with our SAP NetWeaver roadshow. And externally we want to team with SAP with the sales plays, enter demo’s for VNSG DemoJam, SAP TechEd’s DemoJam, organize customer events, work on our propositions (e.g. mTime), plan the 2012 competition for So You Think You Can Innovate.

Last song for now: Gers Pardoel – 'Ik neem je mee'

A Dutch song, currently very popular, stating that you go together on a journey.

And with all that we can have a very successful year. Key is that we do it together as CIBER, strong collaboration between service lines and make sure that our experts can work in an environment that is inspiring enough to have innovative ideas.


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