Another #sitNL recap?

Yes, another one. But I promise you: it will be my last - this year 

So we went to SAP TechEd, learned a lot and paid it forward at the SAP TechEd XPerience – SAP Inside Track Netherlands.
Just processed the evaluation feedback, and again I find myself with a big smile on my face  What a positive reactions on our 5th anniversary. Thanks!!
Here’s a short video recap:

Top sessions this year were hosted by:

Their sessions had an average 1,6 rating (from 1 to 5 and 1 being the highest).

Finally some quotes from our participants:

About the event
Agenda quite full, you may need more tracks, but more tracks means: more choices to make, more choices means, more things you miss out on... I think it's good the way it is :-)

Hard to choose, that's a good thing :-)

SITNL is always great fun!

Thanks for organizing this great event again!

I really liked the "free" moments where you can just talk to people.

About Haseenah Penninkhof’s dinner
Need an extra radiobutton (to the left) for that. Food is always awesome and a highlight. I noticed I stood in the queue with a big smile all the way 

Marvellous cook! I loved every bite.

The food was superb (as always)

hmmmmmmmmmm miam !

How to improve next year?
you can't :-)

It's hard to improve something which is already so great. Suppose it gets bigger, than it might lose the sense of familiarity. All the right ingredients are already there, and just in the right dose.

I find it very, very very hard to find anything to improve. It was the best sitNL ever.

So, see you next year?

BTW, we’re still looking for the recordings. They must be somewhere … but until today we’re not able to find them :-(

Also posted on SCN.


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