Building an SAP HCP app, a travel report (#sitFRA)

Saturday March 21, the first SAP Inside Track in Frankfurt. Perfectly organized by Hendrik Neumann, Christian Braukmüller and Tobias Trapp. In case you have missed it, relive the event with Storify.

I got the opportunity to do a talk on our experiences to build an SAP HCP app. 

Picture by Cemal A.

We are working on a Dashboard-as-a-Service offering, and in this talk I covered:
  • Business case
  • Solution Architecture
  • License jungle
  • Demo
  • Lessons Learned

You can find my slides on Slideshare:

Some tweets:

And one for my Family album ;-) Thanks Vitaliy.


Anonymous said…
You forgot about tweet of tweets ;-)
tbroek said…
Ai how could I forget about that one. now included.
Thanks Vitaly!

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