CodeJam SAP HANA Cloud with Internet of Things

Ever wondered what the IoT, Internet of Things topic is all about? And do you know why SAP is very active in this area? A good start is the SAP IoT YouTube channel.

Next is to read about it in some great blogs:

Curious for more? Join the OpenSAP training: How the Internet of Things and Smart Services Will Change Society. Henning Kagermann and Bernd Leukert will take you through the topic and how IoT will change our world, and in the meantime probably explain why SAP is well equipped to rock this area.
Join this free course which starts March 25 and ends just in time to participate at our CodeJam ;-)

Join the first CodeJam on SAP HANA Cloud and Internet of Things:
  • Date: May 29, 2015
  • Location: The Next View, ‘s Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
  • Time: 13:00 – 20:00 (or until the last sensor is working ;-)
  • Registrations: Use the Eventbrite form
  • Hosts: Aaron Williams and Craig Cmehil
To close some IoTweets to show the awesomeness!

So, see you May 29th in ‘s Hertogenbosch.


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