This week at SAP // 41

Jo Confine
Why Lego's CEO Thinks More Grown-Ups Should Play At Work
“Creative companies create inspiring environments. Tim Brown of innovation and design company Ideo says play creates a risk-free environment that encourages people to experiment, as there is no such thing as failure.”
Lego offers Serious Play, a set of Lego bricks and a Design Thinking like methodology. I vote for more Lego at work ;-)
Olga Dolinskaja
SAP NetWeaver 7.5 - One common foundation for SAP Business Suite and SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition
A new foundation for S/4HANA, called SAP NetWeaver. Guess I need to change my line “SAP NetWeaver is dead, long live SAP HANA” ;-) But wait, it is the base layer for the business suite and S/4HANA on premise and includes enhancements for integration with SAP HANA Cloud Platform. Also Gateway with OData V4 support is included.
Guess we’ll hear all about it at SAP TechEd.

DJ Adams
Give me a browser, and I'll give you the world
DJ's write-up about the web only developer workflow. For SAP that is the Web IDE of course.

Kevin Small
Top 10 things ABAP developers should know when learning JavaScript
And then immediately jump to:
Chris Whealy
JavaScript for ABAP Developers (Updated)
With extensive learning material included.

Owen Pettiford
S/4HANA Myth Buster – 10 Things You Need to Understand to Plan Your Road to Simple
S/4HANA demystified, lots of questions at customer sites. Owen lists them out and answers them in detail, even with links to OSS Notes.


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