Searching for Leonardo at SAP TechEd Barcelona
Sure we all know Leonardo da Vinci. He was a great thinker but also a doer - put thinking into doing on a lot of different areas. So what about SAP Leonardo? This year at SAP TechEd Barcelona I thought to give myself a challenge - Find out who or what SAP Leonardo is.
Day 0 - the travel
First I needed to travel from Eindhoven (Netherlands) via Amsterdam to Barcelona.
Day 1 - the challenge
Design Thinking with Julia Dorbic, Smart Building with Joe Binkley and Cosmo the smart %%% warehouse robot with Jan Penninkhof.
Day 2 - finding out more
A deep dive into Machine Learning with Urko Sanchez Sanz.
Day 3 - finding out even more and conclusion
Blockchain - hype or reality with Raimund Gross, talking to SAP via the CoPilot with Stefan Kirchfeld and once again Jan Penninkhof and me discussing mode 1 vs mode 2.
Mode 1 is your system of records. Mode 2 your system of innovation. Quite often people draw the conclusion that Mode 1 is boring, grey, old, ... not innovative. I see it differently, there is also a lot of innovation in the Mode 1 world, look at SAP S/4HANA and BW/4HANA. Recent innovations in the transaction world.
I always use best and next practices as description. Mode 1 is about best practices and Mode 2 about next practices. SAP Leonardo helps you realizing these next practices in a best practice world.
Just like with Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. No need to put a picture up here. You all know how she looks like. With the Mona Lisa, Leonardo gave us a painting that has triggered many people for many years. Lots of different perspectives, opinions, ... is she smiling or not?
He made people think!
And on the other hand he inspired others to create their own Mona Lisa:

Create your own Mona Lisa with SAP Leonardo. Get inspired by all new possibilities, take different perspectives on your daily reality and build your own next practices!
Happy painting ;-)
Blog also posted at SAP community.
Credits Mona Lisa's (from left to right)