Tweet Analysis #sitNL 2013

Thanks to Martijn Linssen we are able to do a sitNL Tweet Analysis via TwUniverse. And for your convenience, Martijn uploaded a pdf file to our wiki page

First some numbers

648 tweets, starting at Nov 17 20:50:27 2013 and ending at Nov 25 08:44:22 2013 on: #sitnl. That is 3.60 per hour.

Top 10 Most Active Tweeters

  1. @steinermatt (48 = 7%); 
  2. @tbroek (48 = 7%)
  3. @roelvdberge (46 = 7%)
  4. @martijnlinssen (41 = 6%)
  5. @fredverheul (39 = 6%)
  6. @jpenninkhof (33 = 5%)
  7. @qualiture (27 = 4%)
  8. @h_neumann (24 = 4%)
  9. @wolf_gregor (23 = 4%)
  10. @yonex_nl (23 = 4%)

Top 10 Most Influential (based on getting RT-ed)

  1. @roelvdberge (50 = 19%)
  2. @tbroek (44 = 17%)
  3. @steinermatt (31 = 12%)
  4. @jpenninkhof (19 = 7%)
  5. @konijnenburg (15 = 6%)
  6. @qualiture (13 = 5%)
  7. @cbasis (8 = 3%)
  8. @tomvandoorslaer (8 = 3%)
  9. @fredverheul(8 = 3%)
  10. @martijnlinssen (7 = 3%)

Top 10 Most Mentioned

  1. @roelvdberge (53 = 10%)
  2. @tbroek (38 = 7%)
  3. @wsnoep (27 = 5%)
  4. @thorstenster (25 = 5%)
  5. @lvhengel (25 = 5%)
  6. @mrspenninkhof (25 = 5%)
  7. @synerscope (22 = 4%)
  8. @svleuken (21 = 4%)
  9. @steinermatt (20 = 4%)
  10. @fredverheul (18 = 3%)

Top 10 Tweet Topic (based on hashtags)

  1. #scn (52 = 19.5%)
  2. #sapui5 (24 = 9.0%)
  3. #fiori (19 = 7.1%)
  4. #hana (15 = 5.6%)
  5. #sap (13 = 4.9%)
  6. #appbuilder (13 = 4.9%)
  7. #saphcp (8 = 3.0%)
  8. #sapteched (8 = 3.0%)
  9. #abap (7 = 2.6%)
  10. #tdd (6 = 2.2%)

Really happy with all the buzz that we created on Twitter, just to pick a few favorite ones:

What can I say, thanks a million Roel! 


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